This article gives you the basics of self-defense. In this article, we have shown you practical techniques that you can use if you are attacked by someone.
The article DOES NOT teach you martial arts or karate. The article teaches you some simple techniques, that anyone can learn. The techniques will help you free your-self from the attacker and run to some safe location. Using these techniques you will be able to escape a life-or-death type situation.
We recommend that YOU read this article. Many people think that nothing could ever happen to them. You probably think this too. But the truth is, things happen. They happen a lot. A large number of people each day get attacked, robbed, raped etc.
We beg you, read and learn these techniques. Learn to defend yourself. Don't wait for something to happen.
We know people for whom it was too late. They were people like you and me who though that nothing could possibly happen to them. But they were attacked!
I ask you to at least get all the women and young girls you know to read this article and learn these techniques. If you are a father, brother, mother you must learn these techniques and teach them to your family.
This article is just the beginning. There is a lot more to learn about self-defense. Everyone should learn to defend themselves.
This article is especially written for women and from their point of view, however, the same techniques can be used by anyone.
There is English input available everywhere. Here are a few tips and suggestions for you to find input of English around you and improve your English speech:
Rent or buy an English movie DVD
Rent or buy an English movie DVD. Put the English subtitles on. Follow the movie.
This has many advantages:
You will be able to compare the written words to the correct pronunciations.
You will get a feel of how real English sentences are formed when speaking.
You will be learning English but it will not be frustrating and boring because you will be watching a movie.
Please note: When you watch the movie be sure to keep your dictionary handy. Whenever you come across a new word, pause the movie and look it up in the dictionary. If you don’t do this, the whole experience will be quite pointless.
Read about any subject that interests you
There are a lot of English magazines available on a lot of different topics.
No matter what subject interests you, there must be some magazine that talks about it. There are English magazines about Business, Brides, Guns and Ammo, House Keeping, Stock Market, Sports, Computers, Electronics, Linux, Graphic Designing, Cooking etc.
Find the magazine that interests you and read it cover to cover. Be sure to look out for new words and new phrases and look them up in the dictionary as you go.
If you cannot find a magazine of your choice, look for information you are interested in on the Internet. There is information available on every topic under the sun on the Internet.
Read Internet forums of subject matter that interests you
Got to Internet forums of the subject matter that interests you. Generally most of the forums are in English language and are a great source of English input.
For those of you who are not familiar with Internet forums, these are places where people interested in a particular subject can get together and share their views and opinions about a particular subject. You can also ask specific questions to other people and they will help you out if they can. On the Internet, there are forums available about each and every subject.
Forums are a great source of information. Also in forums real people talk about real problems. Most of the information typed in forums is written in an informal way. Because of this the forums make a good source for English input. Reading forums exposes you to a lot of phrases of daily use.
You could find forums on any subject matter that interests you at: Google Groups
You could also go to "Google" and search for the forum of the subject matter you are interested in by typing in something like “C programming forum” or “Cooking forum” etc.
When reading forums also make sure you find out the meaning of every new word or phrase you come across or the whole exercise will be useless.
Read English fiction novels
Read English fiction of your choice. This is our India. Books are not costly here. You get cheap book in every nook and corner. If you want to pick up an interesting cheap English novel, go to the closest "raddi walla" (You know, the guy you sell your old daily news papers to...) They will generally also have old novels, book and magazines. These wont be good quality. They will all be second hand. But that’s okay, they will be nice and cheap. Pick up some thing that interests you. Take it home and read it. Be sure to look up all the new words you come across in the book.
Listen to the radio and TV
Our "All India Radio" has some good programs that are designed to teach English to the listener.
Besides this, there are also many different radio stations available now-a-days in the big cities. Some of these radio stations are in English. Listen to them to get a feel of the language.
Besides the radio, you could also listen to the "News In English". It’s available on a wide variety of channels. The news is a good place to get input of the English language because it is spoken in a very clear, easy to understand way.
Chat with fluent English speakers
Chat with fluent English speakers real or online. Make friends with interesting English speakers. Become pen-pals with a fluent English speaker.
While talking to them look at their lip movement for tips on how to pronounce words correctly.
Most effective tip: "Think in English"
One of the most common mistakes that English learners make is, they think in their mother tongue. When they want to say something in English, they think in their mother tongue, translate it to English and then say it in English. The result is a very flawed English sentence. Never do this!
If you want to speak in English fluently you will have to learn to "think" in English. When you are constructing sentences in your mind before saying them, think in English and form them in English in your mind.
Get your self some English learning software!
To help you with your English, you could get your self a English learning kit OR English learning software! We recommend that you buy either "Cafe English" OR "Learn to Speak -English"
This link will take you to where you can purchase this software and have it delivered to your home. If you are new to ebay, do not worry, you can just sign up from here free and buy whatever you are interested in right now! It's quite easy!
Once you are signed up, search for "Cafe English" OR "Learn to speak - English". You could then choose one of the results and buy the kit!
We recommend that you buy the kit from since it is quite safe & secure and you will get a good deal. If you are not comfortable with Credit Card payments, there are always other options like DD, money order etc. that you can go in for.
In order to imprint words on your memory and also to feel comfortable about pronouncing them at a moment's notice, it is necessary to practise vocabulary a number of times.
1. Decide which constructions and vocabulary are ideal for you to learn. (Be discerning, because you cannot learn everything.) Choose about ten new words per day to practise.
2. Practise them until you are word-perfect. Then use them in real situations by incorporating them into conversations with as many people as possible (at least six times each word or construction, but more if possible). The more you manage to use them in conversation, the more readily you will be able to say them fluently in the future.
REMEMBER: Fluency in English is accuracy with good pronunciation - not speed.
From a learner's point of view, the problem with English is that it is too rich in constructions and vocabulary, ie: There are numerous words and constructions which have similar meanings. Mistakes occur when students remember half of one construction and half of another; they end up with a hotch-potch which is at best "incorrect but understandable" and at worst "nonsense".
1.Choosing English for Use or Recognition Purposes only
English people do not use every phrase and word in the English language. They have favourite phrases which they use time and time again. I recommend that when you are taught more than one way of saying the same thing, choose only one version to learn accurately for future use. Then store the other one(s) vaguely in your mind for future recognition purposes only.
2. Pitfalls to Avoid
Native English speakers modify their language according to their situation, just as you would do in your own language. Unless you have constant exposure to English over many years, you cannot expect to do this. The trick therefore is to choose the best English for universal speaking purposes and to recognise other versions of English, so you are not at a disadvantage. By doing so, you will avoid misunderstandings and you will be able to judge the quality of another person's English.
Although a knowledge of the following is essential for understanding English (and possibly for some exams), I recommend you avoid them as much as possible when speaking in normal situations:-
Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, Slang (which can sound insolent when used at the wrong time)
3.Avoiding grammatical errors when speaking
Many students experience difficulties with the use of the present perfect, because the use of it does not correspond with a similar-looking tense in their own language. If it helps you, it is possible to avoid the present perfect altogether by using:-
eg: I have been to Tunisia. (Time unknown)
I went to Tunisia some time ago. (Exact time unknown)
I have just finished my homework. (Recent, but time unknown)
I finished my homework a short while ago (Recent, but exact time unknown)
English is such a rich and versatile language, it is possible to say what you want to say in more than one way.
In spoken American English, the use of the Simple Past and Present Perfect are often used contrary to the rules of grammar, particularly where the words 'yet' and 'yesterday' are concerned.
In South West England, the following regional errors can be heard: I be, he be, we be, they be, etc.
In Yorkshire, the definite article is often omitted in speech.
Non-native speakers of English experience different pronunciation problems according to their native language. This is due to:
1. Different pronunciation of some letters
2. No equivalent sound in their own language
If students cannot hear whether they are pronouncing a sound correctly, then the only alternative is to "feel" and "see" whether they are pronouncing it properly.
English is a language which depends upon:-
(See also spelling & pronunciation rules)
TH:(long, soft, as in TEETH) Put the tip of your tongue between your teeth and blow gently. It is a long sound and should last about 5 seconds.
To test whether you are making this sound properly, place your hand approximately 12 cm from your mouth. If you can feel a good flow of cool air halfway down your arm and your teeth and lips are in the right position, your pronunciation of this sound will be OK. Do not forget to check the length of time you are allowing for the sound. You must produce this amount of air whenever you say a word with a soft TH in it.
TH:(short, hard, as in THE) Put the tip of your tongue between your teeth and make a voice sound from your throat. It is a short sound with a sudden burst of air.
To test whether you are making this sound properly, place your hand approximately 6 cm from your mouth. If you can feel a sudden burst of air on your hand, you are making the sound from your throat and your teeth and lips are in the right position, your pronunciation of this sound will be OK. You must produce this sound whenever you say a word with a hard TH in it.
V: Put your top front teeth onto your bottom lip and make a voice sound in your throat. Your lips should be more or less closed.
If you are making this sound correctly, you will feel an uncomfortable vibration. You must feel this vibration every time you say a word with V in it, otherwise you are not pronouncing it properly. The listener must hear the vibration to be sure of what you are saying.
ST:Make a long, soft 'S' sound like a snake, then suddenly add an abrupt 'T+schwa' sound by pushing your tongue against the back of your top front teeth, then suddenly taking it away. (Practise the 's' sound first, then the 'schwa' sound alone before adding the abrupt 'T' sound.)
PH:Pronounce PH as F (not P)
F: Put your top front teeth onto your bottom lip and blow gently. Your lips should be more or less closed.
To test whether you are making this sound properly, place your hand approximately 12 cm from your mouth. If you can feel a good flow of cool air onto your hand and your teeth and lips are in the right position, your pronunciation of this sound will be OK. You must produce this amount of air whenever you say a word with F in it.
H:To make this sound, you need a lot of air and your mouth should be open. Stand or sit up straight and take a deep breath, open your mouth, then let out the air quickly as if you are disappointed about something. Allow your body to slump at the same time.
To test whether you are making this sound properly, place your hand approximately 12 cm from your mouth. If you can feel a good flow of hot air onto your hand and your mouth and body are in the right positions, your pronunciation of this sound will be OK. You must produce this amount of air whenever you say a word with H in it.
L:When making the L sound, you tongue must temporarily go up to the roof of your mouth and come down again. It must not touch your teeth unless the next sound is TH.
To check your tongue is in the right position, use a mirror. Practise saying La, La, La, so you can see what your tongue is doing.
R: When making the R sound, your tongue does very little; it just stays at the bottom of your mouth. However, your lower jaw quickly moves forward, down and back as you say the sound.
Use a mirror to check that your tongue is not moving up to the roof of your mouth and that your jaw is moving properly. If you do not have this sound in your language, you will need to practise moving your jaw. At first, it will be painful, because you will be flexing unused muscles just as you would if you attempting a new sport. If you persevere the discomfort will eventually subside.
W:When making the W sound, you must pucker your lips as if you are going to kiss your favourite filmstar. Use a mirror to achieve the correct lip shape. To make the sound, you must push a sound out through the lip 'funnel' as if you have hurt yourself a little BEFORE saying the word, then at the end of this strained sound you open your lips a little and make a different sound as if you are saying the number ONE (but stop before you stay the N sound). Only after all this can you say the rest of the word.
Therefore, for the word WAR, follow these instructions:-
decide which film star or singer you would enjoy kissing.
think of this filmstar or singer and pucker lips into a kissing shape (check in the mirror)
make a strained sound through puckered lips for 1-2 seconds
open your lips and begin to say the number ONE (without the N)
then complete the word by adding an OR sound. Make it a long sound (3-4 seconds). Better to make the word too long than not long enough.
by following these instructions, you should have completed the word WAR
Read the above instructions for L and R, then practice saying:- WAR, LAW, RAW
In order to speak English well you must make all your consonants (except silent ones) sound loud and clear. Many English parents reprimand their children with "Sound the ends of your words!", because many children swallow the last consonant sound in their words, particularly if the last consonant is a 'T' (as in the word 'BUT'). When English children do this, it is poor quality pronunciation, but when non-native speakers do this, it is often impossible to understand what they are saying.
The long sounds in English are extremely important. Throughout England, Australia, Canada, America, there are fluent native speakers of English. The accents vary enormously, yet we are all capable of understanding each other. This is because the consonant sounds change very little and there is a uniformity of long and short sounds.
When studying English you may feel it is very strange to say long sounds, because they do not exist in your own language; however, unless you do use long sounds, your English will be difficult to understand. In fact, it is better to make your long sound too long, rather than not long enough.
Improve your intonation by listening to and singing along to songs. Most songs in English maintain similar intonation to normal speech. Rap songs are often close to normal intonation .
PLEASE NOTE: The following pop songs do not use the same intonation as normal speech.
Check out which is a one-stop resource site for learning English and other languages. You can find relevant, localized information for International students and people. Additionally you can even browse through sections such as featured schools, language directory, multi-lingual content and more.
Go to to find details about the fun way to learn English online. You can even take up free exercises, tests and many more. Visit the writing section to learn tips on how to write business letter, CV’s etc एक ऐसी वेबसाइट है, जो महिलाओं कोअपने तलाक की स्थिति को कंट्रोल करने और उनको आर्थिक सहायता और कानूनी जानकारी देने के लिए समर्पित है। इस वेबसाइट पर आप कानून, आर्थिक और भावनात्मक मामलों से संबंधित जानकारी और आर्टिकल प्राप्त कर सकती हैं। आप यहां पर अनिश्चित समय के लिए आर्थिक, कानूनी और भावनात्मक मामलों से संबंधित आर्टिकल विभिन्न सेक्शन के तहत पढ़ने के साथ ही उनकी कॉपी भी कर सकती हैं।
तलाक से संबंधित सम्पूर्ण जानकारी के लिए आप www.divorceecorner.comपर लॉग ऑन करें। इस वेबसाइट पर जाकर आप तलाक से संबंधित लेटेस्ट न्यूज और विभिन्न आर्टिकल पढ़ सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त आप साइट की गैलरी सेक्शन में जाकर तलाक संबंधित चित्र भी देख सकती हैं।
साइंस के जरिए आज इंसान कई तरह की खोज कर चुका है, लेकिन अभी भी उसके सामने दिमाग का भेद जानना एक चुनौती है। साइंस अभी तक इंसान के दिमाग को नहीं जीत पाई है। आज भी अगर दिमाग पर कुछ नियंत्रण किया जा सकता है तो वो भी ध्यान और प्रणायाम के जरिए। ‘पास्ट लाइफ रिग्रेशन थैरेपी’ (पीएलआर) भी दिमाग पर काबू पाने का ही एक तरीका है जो ध्यान और प्राणायाम का ही एक हिस्सा है। कुछ लोग इसे अंधविश्वास मानते हैं। अगर ये अंधविश्वास है तो ऐसे लोगों को ध्यान और प्रणायाम को भी अंधविश्वास मानना चाहिए। पीएलआर लगभग बीस हजार साल पुरानी तकनीक है।
एक होता है रिग्रेशन और एक होता है प्रोग्रेशन। रिग्रेशन में ध्यान के जरिए आदमी को उसके पिछले समय में ले जाया जा सकता है जबकि प्रोगेशन में आने वाले समय में ले जाया जाता है। ‘पास्ट लाइफ रिग्रेशन थैरेपी’ एक तरह का सेल्फ हिप्नोटिज्म (आत्म-सम्मोहन) है, जिसमें सांसों पर नियंत्रण पाकर किसी को भी उसके पिछले जन्म या बीते समय में ले जाना मुमकिन है। ध्यान की इस अवस्था में शख्स का दिमाग उस पर हावी नहीं होता और वो तब जो कुछ भी सोचता है उसे सच्चाई के करीब माना जा सकता है।
हाल ही में आए शो 'राज़ पिछले जन्म का' के डायरेक्टर सुपवित्र बाबुल ने अपने यूरोप दौरे एक एक विदेशी डॉक्यूमेंट्री फिल्म देखी थी, जो पीएलआर तकनीक पर आधारित थी। तब उन्होंने इस कॉन्सेप्ट पर काम करना शुरु कर दिया। इस सिलसिले में उन्होंने कई तरह की वर्कशॉप में हिस्सा लिया। इस दौरान वे डॉक्टर न्यूटन और डॉ. तृप्ति जैन से मिले। डॉ. तृप्ति जैन ‘राज़ पिछले जन्म का’ की थैरेपिस्ट भी हैं। इस तरह उनकी ढाई साल की रिसर्च और अनुभव के बाद ‘राज़ पिछले जन्म का’ शो आपके सामने आ सका।
साइंस के जरिए आज इंसान कई तरह की खोज कर चुका है, लेकिन अभी भी उसके सामने दिमाग का भेद जानना एक चुनौती है। साइंस अभी तक इंसान के दिमाग को नहीं जीत पाई है। आज भी अगर दिमाग पर कुछ नियंत्रण किया जा सकता है तो वो भी ध्यान और प्रणायाम के जरिए। ‘पास्ट लाइफ रिग्रेशन थैरेपी’ (पीएलआर) भी दिमाग पर काबू पाने का ही एक तरीका है जो ध्यान और प्राणायाम का ही एक हिस्सा है। कुछ लोग इसे अंधविश्वास मानते हैं। अगर ये अंधविश्वास है तो ऐसे लोगों को ध्यान और प्रणायाम को भी अंधविश्वास मानना चाहिए। पीएलआर लगभग बीस हजार साल पुरानी तकनीक है।
एक होता है रिग्रेशन और एक होता है प्रोग्रेशन। रिग्रेशन में ध्यान के जरिए आदमी को उसके पिछले समय में ले जाया जा सकता है जबकि प्रोगेशन में आने वाले समय में ले जाया जाता है। ‘पास्ट लाइफ रिग्रेशन थैरेपी’ एक तरह का सेल्फ हिप्नोटिज्म (आत्म-सम्मोहन) है, जिसमें सांसों पर नियंत्रण पाकर किसी को भी उसके पिछले जन्म या बीते समय में ले जाना मुमकिन है। ध्यान की इस अवस्था में शख्स का दिमाग उस पर हावी नहीं होता और वो तब जो कुछ भी सोचता है उसे सच्चाई के करीब माना जा सकता है।
हाल ही में आए शो 'राज़ पिछले जन्म का' के डायरेक्टर सुपवित्र बाबुल ने अपने यूरोप दौरे एक एक विदेशी डॉक्यूमेंट्री फिल्म देखी थी, जो पीएलआर तकनीक पर आधारित थी। तब उन्होंने इस कॉन्सेप्ट पर काम करना शुरु कर दिया। इस सिलसिले में उन्होंने कई तरह की वर्कशॉप में हिस्सा लिया। इस दौरान वे डॉक्टर न्यूटन और डॉ. तृप्ति जैन से मिले। डॉ. तृप्ति जैन ‘राज़ पिछले जन्म का’ की थैरेपिस्ट भी हैं। इस तरह उनकी ढाई साल की रिसर्च और अनुभव के बाद ‘राज़ पिछले जन्म का’ शो आपके सामने आ सका।